Time comes to those who make it, not those who try to find it.

My sorority sister, Elena, is a productivity and lifestyle design coach. I follow her Facebook page and blog pretty frequently — she’s incredibly inspiring (at least to me)! This was a quote by Jen Sincero that Elena posted on her Facebook page; she talked about this quote to explain something she’d been wanting to get back into for awhile — reading.

“At first, I couldn’t find the time ANYWHERE. Then, I decided to MAKE the time by getting up earlier and reading for at least 30 minutes every morning.”

This is a practice I’ve been implementing myself, as part of my new-year-new-me; I’m turning my computer off an hour earlier than I used to (around 10pm, sometimes earlier). Instead of trying to go straight to sleep — which rarely works, since it typically takes me anywhere from 30-90 minutes to fall asleep! — I spend 30 minutes reading (or more, if I’m not too tired) that the old Kaitlyn would’ve spent on the computer. Teaching is not an easy profession — it takes a lot of time management and organization! If I want to continue pursuing my passions, like reading, it’s important that I MAKE time for them (but not taking time away from priority tasks).